
Alerts are UI elements that give important info.


ERROR: Uh oh - something went wrong


WARNING: Shake it fast, but watch yourself.


SUCCESS: The secret to my success is that I learn, 25 hours a day!


INFO: All the planets can fit in the space between the earth and moon.


Callouts are those sections of featured content that usually contain an icon, a title, and some text. These are usually in a row, and call attention to highlighted features.

We're putting these into a small 2 up, medium 4 up grid


This callout is very impressive, and should command your attention


This callout is very impressive, and should command your attention


This callout is very impressive, and should command your attention


This callout is very impressive, and should command your attention


Thumbnails are usually found within a grid or gallery, as a teaser or preview of more content. The common use is to have an image on top of a title and text below, while the entire thumbnail is an anchor link.

We're putting these into a small 2 up, medium 4 up grid


Click the button below to see our basic starter modal.